At Natalie Yang Orthodontics, we emphasize safety and understand the need for convenience. That is why we offer virtual, video-conferencing options for appointments.
Our virtual appointments include, but are not limited to:
Consultations: In order for the doctor to give you the most accurate information, your initial consultation must be in-person. Popular virtual consult appointments can be used for:
- Follow up consult: Any questions about the treatment plan can be completed virtually without the need for an extra in-office appointment.
- Parent secondary consult: If one parent is unable to attend the initial consultation with their child and has additional questions, we may schedule a secondary consult so that an additional trip to the office is not necessary.
Progress Check: An in-office visit may not be necessary for you if your treatment is progressing normally. This virtual appointment is extremely popular with qualified patients in aligners. Click here (hyperlink to “Invisalign & Clear aligner page) to learn more about aligners.
Emergencies: Is there something poking or you would like to be seen outside of your normal appointment time? We can help remotely!